So you have learned how to use Google Tag Manager. Now you are ready to learn some advanced use cases beyond basic Google Analytics, AdWords or Facebook pixel tracking.
Enroll in Advanced Google Tag Manager Course
In this course I will cover the following advanced topics.
- Understanding & using Data Layers
- Understanding and using Custom HTML tags in Google Tag Manager
- Using data layers to push dynamic values and trigger Google Tag Manager
- Track Vimeo Video interactions.
- Use Custom JavaScript variables in GTM to detect Ad Blockers
- Trigger message to users using Ad Blockers – really useful for ad supported sites.
- Pass values to Google Analytics Custom Dimensions using Google Tag Manager
- Track Ad Blockers in Google Analytics
- Track Universal Analytics User ID using true user id from your back end e.g CRM, database etc. and learn how to create special User-Id view in Google Analytics
- Integrate CRM database with Google Analytics for segmentation and Adwords Remarketing list.
- Write and read first party cookie using Google Tag Manager
- Getting Query Parameters from URL to use them in Tags or Triggers
- Many more will be added.