How to Show New v/s Returning Users in GA4 Looker Studio Report

If you are looking for a way to show New V/s Returning Numbers in Looker Studio GA4 report then then this post is for you.

Below is a screenshot of a Looker Studio report that was constructed to show new vs/ Returning Users.


Scorecard Metrics

The left hand panel shows scorecard metrics.

  1. New Users - To display this number you can use a metrics called "New Users"
  2. Returning Users - There is no metrics to display this number so you have to construct this.
  3. Active Users - To display this number you can use a metrics called "Active Users"

How to Show Returning Users Metrics

  1. Place a new scorecard chart
  2. Show "Active Users" metrics
  3. Add a new filter
  4. In this filter, use "New/returning" dimension and only include the users who have "returning" as the value (see below)
  5. Apply the filter.
  6. Rename the metrics to "Returning Users"

How to Show New/Returning Pie Chart

  1. Add new pie chart
  2. Select "New/retuning" dimension
  3. Select "Active User" metrics
  4. You will now have the pie chart

How to Show New/Returning Trend Chart

  1. Add a new trend chart
  2. Select Date as dimension
  3. Select "New/returning" as breakdown dimension
  4. Select "Active User" metrics
  5. Now you have the trend chart.

GA4 and Looker Studio Support Services

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