RegEx in BigQuery SQL

Using RegEx in SQL opens up a lot of possibilities for you to find the right content using a query in a database.

Here are the list of SQL RegEx patterns with some examples.

Pattern What pattern matches Example Pattern Matches
^ Matches Pattern in the begining of the string ^o% optizent, optimization,organization
[abc1234] Matches any character listed between square brackets
[a-z] Matches any lowercase alphabet
[A-Z] Matches any uppercase alphabet
[0-9] Matches any numerical digit from 0 to 9
[^abc] Matches any character except those listed between square brackets
% Matches any characters
* Matches repetition of preceding string from zero to infinite times
. Matches a single character .o optizent, method
? Match a zero-or-one preceding string
$ Matches end of a string
| Matches any pattern that's specified using pipe separator o(p|a)% optizent, oat
() Used to group items o(p|a)% optizent, oat
_ Matches any single character following or before the pattern specified o_t oat
.* Matches any string
"+" Repetition of the character that's right before the + sign, the repetition can be one or multiple times op+ opposite, oppppppp

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If you are interested in learning how to use these patters in BigQuery with GA4 or other marketing data then check out our BigQuery for Marketing Analytics course.


Optizent team is available to help you with any of your BigQuery needs.  Email us at or fill the contact us form.

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