In this post I will discuss everything you need to know about copying GA4 Explorations from one property to another.
How to Copy Explorations
- Open to the GA4 property where you have the exploration
- Click on "Explore" on the left hand menu
- Find the Exploration that you want to copy to another property
- Click on the three dots to the right of the exploration
- Click on "Copy across properties"
- On the next screen, you can pick one or more properties where you want to copy the explorations. The properties can be in different accounts but you will need to have proper rights to copy them. More on rights is discussed later in this post.
- You will see of one of three status messages when you select a property. These status messages are "Success" in green color, "Success" in yellow colors and "Failure" in red color. Keep reading to see the meaning of these status messages.
- That's it. Any of your copy actions that show "Success" are copied to the destination property.
- Go to the destination property and verify the exploration that you copied.
Permissions You Need to Copy Explorations
You will need Viewer or above access level in both the source and the destination properties to copy an exploration.
Status Messages
You will see one of the 3 status messages when you select a property to copy an exploration to
- "Success" in green color - This means everything worked as expected and your exploration is successfully copied
- "Success" in yellow color - This means that that the exploration is copied but it had some customization that was not copied.
If you see this message then you will have to the copied exploration in the destination property and fix any issues.
Currently GA4 does not copy following customizations.- Audiences
- Calculated metrics
- Custom channel groupings
- Custom dimensions
- Custom metrics
- Saved comparisons
- Saved segments
- "Failure" in red - This means that the exploration wasn't copied. This generally happens because of the following reasons:
- Permission - You don't have the required access level in the destination property
- Quota - You can only create 200 explorations in one property, so if you have reached that limit then you can not copy an exploration.
Other Things To Note
Copying Exploration makes a copy of the original exploration so if you make any changes to the original or the copy then those changes stay only with the exploration that you changed.
No data is copied with exploration, just the structure of the exploration is copied.
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