Understanding Why Demographic Data Is Missing in GA4

Google Analytics 4 has demographic reports that show users age, gender, interest etc.

However, quite often I hear this question, "Why don't I see the demographic data in my GA4 reports?". If you have a similar question then this post is for you. In this post, I will share reasons why you might be missing the demographic data in your GA4 reports.


Reasons Why Demographic Data is Missing from GA4 reports

Here are some of the reasons why you might not be seeing demographic data in GA4. Check all these one by one to identify and fix the issues.

1. You haven't enabled Google Signals

Google Signal is a feature in GA4 needs to be enabled for Demographic data to show up in GA4. If this feature is off then you won't see any demographic data in GA4. To enable this feature

  1. Go to admin panel in GA4 property
  2. Click on Data Collection
  3. Click on "Turn on" button (the button might be renamed to something else in the future).


2. You have recently enabled Google Signals

If you just enabled Google Signal then you have to wait a few days for Google to collect that data. Generally the data will appear in the next 24 hours but in some cases it might take a week or so.

3. You site does not have enough traffic

If you site is too small then you might not see demographic data or it might take a lot more day than a week to show up the data in your site. Demographic data is from a sample of users so smaller sites might not have big enough sample base for Google to show the demographic data.

4. You or your agency might have disabled Google Signals via tracking code

GA4 has many different places where tracking can be configured. As we saw above, you can configure Google signals within Google Analytics 4 admin panel. Howvere you can also override that by disabling within your tracking code or GTM.

In GTM if you pass a paramater called "allow_google_signals" to false then you won't see demographic data in GA4.

5. Your consent tracking is misconfigured

If you have accidently setup ad_storage=denied for all your tags then you won't see any demographic data.


Get Help with GA4

If you have tried all of the above and still don't see demographic data then reach out to us at support@optizent.com or fill the Contact Us form.

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