GA4 Limits – Hits, Collection, Configuration, Parameters, and Reporting Limits

GA4 limits are something you need to be aware of so that you don't end up getting frustrated when things don't seem to work as expected. This blog post will keep track of those limits and clarify them as required.

Keep in mind as GA4 evolves this document will evolve as well. If you do find some outdated information then please do let us know.

Collection limits

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Please note that analytics does not log events, event parameters, and user properties that exceed the following limits.

For detailed information about the error events that Analytics logs when you exceed the following collection limits, see Analytics Error Codes.

Logged item Limit Can I delete items if I'm close to the limit?
Distinctly named events 500 per app instance (app)

Automatically collected events, like first_open and in_app_purchase, and events you collect via enhanced measurement do not count toward the limits.

Length of event name 40 characters N/A
Event parameters per event 25 event parameters Yes
Length of event-parameter name 40 characters N/A
Length of event-parameter value 100 characters N/A
User properties 25 per property No
Length of user-property names 24 characters N/A
Length of user-property values 36 characters N/A
Length of User-ID values 256 characters N/A

Configuration limits

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Configured  item Limit per property Can I delete items if I'm close to the limit?
Audiences 100 Yes
Conversions 30 Yes
Custom insights 50 Yes
Funnels 200 Yes
User-scoped custom dimensions 25 Yes
Event-scoped custom dimensions 50 Yes
Event-scoped custom metrics 50 Yes
Registered custom conversion events 30 Yes
Data retention Up to 14 months N/A
Explorations 200 created per user

500 shared

Explore sampling limits 10M events per query N/A
Ads links 400 Yes. You can also consider using a Google Ads manager account and linking to that account instead of to individual client accounts

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